Program in playground
How to make indoor playground from conceptions to reality?
From you have the ideal to make an indoor playground for business to the final installation; you may lost on too many choice. To make the process as simple as possible, Angel playground guide you one by one step. No matter the indoor playgrounds install at daycare center, commercial mall or even family purpose, you always can find the perfect solution over here. We love to support you, make unique and suitable design on reasonable budget, and make fast delivery.
For toddler play area (2-5 Years) (15m2 to 60m2, 160sq.ft-650sq.ft)
Option A: Toddler play area with play structures, ball pit, fence and small toys like jumping ball, seesaw, etc…
Option B:Soft play equipment with toddler plastic slide, tunnel, tree, kitchen etc…
Option C:Soft building block, sand box, ball pit etc…
Option D: Kids carousal, Merry go round
Merry go round are very popular for indoor playground. With motor inside and soft surface, small kids love to play on it very much.
Some carousal are rotation, some are move up and down, some with LED light and some with musical. Under the PVC leather have sponge or inflatable base to absorb any impact. This colorful integrate games offer greater interactivity and engaging play experience. For toddler this game has irresistible attraction.

Soft play equipment makes indoor playgrounds more attractive and suitable for kids in all age. Soft play equipment are light can move and recombination, they can climbing, sliding, drilling, crossing on each game, also they can play all game together as challenge course, In fact have some clients create very large ball pit only with soft playground inside to make the challenge course simulate the adult one on park. So play is must have product for toddler play area. All soft play equipment from Angel Playground are well designed, colorful, strong, soft and multi-function.

Sand pit also is one of independent project for toddler play area. We are using semen cassia to replace sand, it is more clean and healthy to kids. Semen cassia is the fruit of plant, it is small, shine and smoothly on surface. Put some small plastic toys inside bring lot of for kids, also can place some plastic house, slides inside.
TPU material play events -TPU is new material for toddler play area, using this material can make animals and cartoon image in any shape, any color. Other advantage for TUV play equipment is soft surface, the whole structures will be soft, even touch better than soft play equipment, if you have particular mascot, we can customized it by TPU material. (This project will be costly, consult your salesperson to know more)

Others you need to concern for toddler play area will be trampoline, climbing wall, chasing car, wall game, building block house.
Separate trampoline from main play structures will be more safe, we make climbing wall with soft material on surface, we have mini car with racing track to encourage kids do more exercise, have wall game to help kids development their brains, also with building block to building a house simulate construction worker.

Main play structures (5-12 years) (60m2-2000m2, 650sq.ft-22000sq.ft)
Main play structures including many play events, all exciting, challenge and thrilled program can be reasonable arrange inside. It is all customized the height of each level, the length of slide, ball blaster games, climbing games. Usually for height under 350cm, we suggest two floors, for height over 400cm, we can make three floors. The maximum height can reach to 700cm. You are free to pick the components if the size allowed, check below suggestion and components on next page!
Ball blaster is one of the most welcome sport events in play structures. It can be separate for shooting game only, which can put more guns, more cannon and other ball blaster machine inside (will take 50m2-100m2). Most clients mixed ball blaster area inside play structures, like four gun and ball blaster machine, which only need around 25m2, Angel playground provide all blaster made by metal not plastic.

Slides: We have many kinds of slide from different level, slide is essence of indoor play structures. So the owner need to make the slide as height as possible, the slide will be more fun if on high level with long slide-way. You need different kind of slide from different level, so kids on all age can find they own slide. Most welcome slide is the one made by fiber glass, it is can be joined together by pieces, so any length will be fine.
Below slide (Height120-160cm) (4ft-5ft) from level one only, also have other slide made by stainless, cloth face, PVC board, TPU.

Below slide (Height260-320cm) (8.5ft-10.5ft) from level two. Height (2.6m-3.2m) (8.5ft-10.5ft), Have S-open slide, S-close slide, tube straight slide, fiber glass slide and roller side.
Blow slides (height 350cm-600cm) (11.5ft-20ft) These big slide for huge indoor playground center which at least with floor height 450cm (14.5ft)

Tunnel options: We have tunnel made by cable, plastic tube, plastic station, transparent fiber glass, Dacron ribbon. Plastic tube can cut and make transparent window, also have train station, rocket, telephone tunnel, for more check our components list.

Platform option! To different us with others, we not just offer platform with solid material. We make the transparent platform, also make platform with ribbon only, Kids need better control on balance when walking on it, also this kinds of platform can be curve up and down, create more fun for kids.
Million balls and net playground, Other New projects for Indoor play equipment please visit design on our website. To create your unique playground, learn more information will help you get better ideal, once you understand your play area, player’s age group and property of each play equipment, you are an informed buyer and make the wise decision for purchase.